Thursday, September 26, 2013

Toe-Shoes Tina: Dry Heaving In The Corner

Distance:  0.0
Pushups completed:  5,932 (I was not counting, so it may have been less, but I doubt it)
Wine:  0.0  (is it Friday yet?)

This is not a running post.  Why?  Because I haven’t run since Monday.  Hey, I’m not in training yet.  Don’t judge.  Here’s what I did instead:  a 60 minute kickboxing class.  My regular class starts at 6:30 in the morning.  Now that it is actually turning into autumn, this means the sun is just rising when it starts and the temperature is downright refreshing (low 70s).  Also, some of my favorite gals go to this class, so it is a workout/social hour.  It’s hard to imagine skipping this class to go for a run. 

(What?  Socializing totally burns at least 10 calories per minute.)

One of my friends, I’ll call her Jackrabbit because she’s a fast runner (though this is probably an insult because I’m pretty sure she can outrun a jackrabbit), is such a gifted athlete she borders on superhuman.  She recently hurt our trainer’s feelings by calling his class easy.  Some background on our trainer.  I’ll call him Pirate because he’s currently hobbling around on one good leg.  He broke the foot on the other leg by kicking somebody in the elbow.  True story.  I hang out with some badass m f’ers.  In any event, Pirate’s classes are usually very challenging and he takes a rather sadistic pride in making us hurt, so Jackrabbit’s comments wounded him greatly.  This led to a very entertaining exchange on Facebook where he promised that today’s class would be so hard Pirate would have Jackrabbit dry heaving in the corner.  If Jackrabbit is dry heaving from a workout, that probably means I’m lying on the floor in full cardiac arrest – one heck of a workout!  Needless to say, I was looking forward to today’s class.

(Believe it or not, Jackrabbit is actually even more adorable than this jackrabbit and can probably jump higher, too.)

So here’s what we did.  Warm-up:  25 burpees, 25 squat jumps, 25 pushups, 25 v-ups, run a lap around the building (.11 miles – thanks, MapMyRun).  Repeat 3 times.  Warm yet?  I was.  Let class begin.  100 straight punches (jab, cross, jab, cross), 100 alternating right/left hooks, 20 right kicks, 20 left kicks.  Then we did several rounds of combinations involving punches, kicks, sprawls, and elbows.  Then we did a partner drill where we had to shuffle from bag to bag and throw combinations on Pirate’s direction.  I paired up with Jackrabbit and pushed myself harder trying to keep up with her.  Then we did more squats.  Then we held a squat with a 90 degree bend in our knees. Then we did “baby squats” from that position, never fully straightening our legs.  Then we did 5 squats, walk your hands out, 5 pushups, walk your hands back, repeat.  Then he gave us 60 seconds to do 100 pushups.  I made it to 51.  Then back on the bag for more punching and kicking. 

Definitely warm now.  Next we went out back (into the lovely weather) and did tire flip suicide sprints.  This entails sprinting approximately 10 feet to a tire, jumping up on the tire, jumping down, sprawling into pushup position, jumping back onto your feet, then flipping the tire end over end.  Then you sprint back to the starting point and do it again.  When you’ve flipped your tire approximately 10 times, you get low and drag it backward across the parking lot to the original starting point.  After that, we went inside and bear crawled with dumbbells (mine were 10 lbs) approximately 30 feet, did 10 pushups, 30 bicep curls, 30 overhead presses, and bear crawl backward back.  Repeat.  We did each of those drills (tire flip suicide sprints and bear crawl) two times.  Then we held a plank for what felt like 30 minutes, but was probably only 1 minute. 

(T-Rex also hates planks.  I identify with poor T-Rex, not just because I loathe pushups and planks, but also because my arms feel ridiculously short for my body when I'm trying to throw long punches.)

Class ended without myocardial infarction and with no dry heaving by Jackrabbit (in the corner or otherwise).  Nonetheless it was a killer workout.  I know this because when I was getting dressed and trying to put my earrings in, I almost couldn’t do it because my hands were shaking so bad.  So, no, I did not run today.  But I did get my a$# kicked and, besides, according to Runners World, cross-training is good for you.  (Sure, they talk about cross training in terms of swimming or biking, but I’m sure Pirate’s boxing class is right up there.)  Also, my boxing gym is having a margarita boot camp on Saturday.  Can you beat that?  I don't think you can. 

(This is an a picture of my margarita following my gym's last margarita boot camp.)

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