Monday, March 7, 2016

Mo Jo: Starting Over

Distance: Nunya
Pace: MYOB
# Poops (by dog): 1

I am out of shape. Mo Jo, runner of marathons (well one marathon), attacker of hills (downhills), is done. I'm not sure what my new name should be. Something like "No Go."

I am signed up for a half marathon this weekend in Moab, Utah. Let's just say I ain't doing it. I will go make a sign for my friends, Coach and Pixie and CC, and cheer them on. I will probably be drinking a beer while cheering because nothing says morning beer like watching other people work out. Or being in Utah, for that matter.

The wheels fell off the bus last fall. I'm not sure what happened. Call it burnout, or boredom, or laziness, but I just Didn't Want To Run Anymore. I discovered a dirty little secret, too: it was easier to control what I ate if I DIDN'T work out. I lost five pounds. I was like, who needs it?

Eventually, I started thinking, well, I should run for fitness and health and that elusive creature, mental health. I love the endorphins of running, and it helps me manage stress. So I agreed to sign up for Moab, thinking this would be a good goal to get me started again. I did a few training runs.

Then I got Cold No. 1 in January. (We are fond of numbering things here at ROW. Look at how TST tracks her family.) Cold No. 1 turned into Sinus Infection No. 1. After a two-week respite, during which I jogged exactly once, I got Cold No. 2 aka Flu No. 1. I went to the doctor, insisting I could not possibly have another virus, and the doctor said basically nope. Go take some cold medicine. So I suffered through that, and got better for about ten days, and then got Cold No. 3. I know, right? Do I never wash my hands? Do I run a kindergarten? Is someone waging germ warfare on me? Cold No. 3 turned into Sinus Infection No. 2. Fan-effing-tastic, I said.

Needless to say, I am completely out of shape now and I'm weak and apparently need a sinus transplant. But I popped my last augmentin for the sinus infection this morning and took Clancy (or Dog #2, as TST would say) for a short run.

Clancy likes couch time, too. 

The first half mile was okay. Then my right knee hurt. So we walked a little, then ran until the knee hurt, then walked. Then my ankle decided to chime in, like "Hey, what happened to couch time? This hurts. We haven't finished Season Three of Bates Motel yet. Let's go sit." I suspect what's going on is I lost some muscle during my long hiatus and so the muscles aren't supporting my joints like they need to be.

Oh yeah, and Dog #2 peed on lots and lots of stuff and only pooped once. I was, frankly, grateful for the break.

I finished the run/walk with mixed feelings. I mean, good to get back out there, but seriously, I have a ways to go! SO, in the interest of motivating me to get back in shape, I decided to update the blog so I can post about my efforts. I mean, maybe next time I will have a 3 mile run/walk with two poops. A girl can dream.