Monday, December 16, 2013

Slo Jo: What I Blog About When I Can't Blog About Running

I'm glad I didn't put up a tree this year, because I officially declare it to be January. Yes, it is December 16, but I'm already fat and exhausted. Too much holiday cheer, and not enough running. In fact, hardly any running. I feel like the Family Guy version of a Christmas elf at this point:

("Because Christmastime is killing us.")

Let's recap last week:

Hot Chocolate 15K. Felt good about it.

Distance: 2 miles
Distance actually run: 1 mile, with 1 mile walk home
Excuse: Right knee felt "spongy"

Okay, so I was supposed to run five miles. Knee felt crappy. I felt tired. Okay, let's write it off. I decided I would run 5, 8, and 5 Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday instead. I was probably tired from the Hot Chocolate race.

Distance: 5 miles
Martinis: 1
Glasses of wine: The correct number if you are single during the holidays.
Highly caloric dinners: 1

I thanked the running gods for allowing me to run. Perhaps I was now back on track. I can do this, I said. Then I ate my weight in steak and mashed potatoes and chased it with a gin martini.

Distance: .07 miles
Excuse: It was cold. I didn't wanna.
Glasses of wine: 2, at party, which is really, really good with an open bar.

Well, shit. I was now officially behind schedule.

I told myself, forget it. I'll just go after lunch. And then...I had to go to this holiday party. I kind of ran out of time.

Distance: 0 miles
Glasses of wine: Open bar fail

Well, Thursday night I had been at a holiday party and comported myself quite well as I had to drive. On Friday, I did not have to drive and had a most excellent time at the next holiday party.

Why did I not manage to get my eight miles in? I'd had such a rotten running week that I felt eight miles was too daunting. Eight miles! I couldn't run eight miles. Maybe three. Maybe two. Maybe a nice run/walk. Also, my mother was coming up for her birthday on Saturday. I had to clean the house. Oh, and then get ready for that night's holiday party. Oh, and work. Oh, and wrap all the Christmas presents so that my mom could take them with her.

Distance: 2 miles
Glasses of wine: maybe three?
Fancy dinners out: 1
Dead plants from neglect due to too many holiday functions: 1

On Saturday morning, Pixie and Toe Shoes Tina ran four to burn off the holiday party calories from the night before. I slept in. It is important to get sufficient rest.

Then my mom came up. We shopped. I told her I was feeling really bad about not running, so she started watching a movie, and I tried to go running. And...another fail. So we went to a fancy birthday dinner and I ate 10,000 calories instead.

Distance: 0 miles
Weight: Now measured in tonnage
Holiday parties: Baby shower
Dishes cooked: 100

On Sunday, instead of running, Mom and I went to the Chihuly exhibit at the Desert Botanical Gardens. 

(If you live in Phoenix, you should go!)

Then we had to make food for a friend's baby shower, then go to the baby shower (where I was a host), then help at the baby shower. Afterward, we collapsed on the sofa and ate the chocolates that the same friend had given Mom for her birthday.

No running. I'm behind schedule, I'm stressed, I'm tired, I'm not happy with my body, and I'm sick of parties.

Stewie: Can't you see that every smile/Makes it all worthwhile?

Santa: No, screw you! It's all but through, there's too much to do
All those dreams are nightmares and blank, icy stares.

(You should watch them sing the song--it is awesome--you can find it on YouTube.)

Now, none of this is to say I resent the wonderful friends and family I have been spending time with. I enjoyed those parties, and I am happy my friends are in my life. But it is time for a little me time. I brought my workout clothes with me to work, and I'm going running at lunch. How far? I don't know. My marathon book says if you fall off track for less than 10 days, just get back on schedule. (It also says that if I go more than 10 days, revisit my plans to run a marathon. Uh oh.)

So I'm gonna try. I'll let you know how it goes. After all, I have another party tonight.

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