Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Slo Jo: And So It Begins (Again)

Miles run since marathon: Oh, maybe 8. Over four months.
Glasses of wine since marathon: 9 thousand
Hours spent on couch: Infinite

I don't know if you heard, but running and I broke up. After the marathon, I just lost interest. I tried to rekindle it. We went on a couple of dates. On one, I made it exactly one-quarter mile before deciding, "This sucks." I walked home. On another, I ran six miles. I thought, "We're back together!" And then...we weren't.

I cannot tell you how annoying it is to have a little voice in your head saying, didn't you spend hours training to run 26.2 miles and now you are basically back to full-on couch potato? Perhaps unfortunately for me, that voice is drowned out by the one telling me running is boring and painful. Cocktails by the pool are better.

Before I could fully degenerate into full-on sloth and require a motorized cart to truck around Safeway, I called TST for help. She's very agreeable:

Me: I think we should set another goal.
TST: Okay!
Me: How about a triathlon?
TST: Okay!

I think if I had said, let's train for Mount Everest, or Badwater, or, I don't know, swimming across the Atlantic, she would have been equally enthused. As we have discussed in this blog, TST is made of stronger stuff.

We have some new challenges, like, um, swimming. I haven't tried to swim laps since I was ten years old and on a swim team. I had a silly swim suit with a tiger on it and it would not stay up covering my chest when I dove off the blocks, which was embarrassing at ten and is Really Not Acceptable at 40. So I bought a swim suit, and googles, and yes, a swim cap. This is not going to be a blog about having green hair. And I joined a bike club. We enlisted Shoe Killer for a buddy on long rides. I need to get a bike seat not built for a slender man with no pelvis. And some new running shoes. Because I wore HOLES in mine training for the marathon. I feel like I should get these things bronzed.

Who's a shoekiller now?

So stay tuned! We are BACK! Running on Wine 2: Trying for the Tri, or the Wrath of Couch, or WTF, Flip Turns, or How I Learned to Remember to Unclip My Shoes from the Pedals Before the Stop Sign. We're excited. Now, we just need to pick a race!

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